The Purpose of Chef Catalyst

Catalyst (noun)

a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change

a person or thing that precipitates an event

an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action


Chef Catalyst seems like an odd title, am I right? Yes, in text it is an interesting combination, but that is me.

Awhile back, I took a renowned, detailed character test, and my results told me I was a “Catalyst”. Long story short, it revealed characteristics that I had already found in myself over the last few years, as well as some that helped solidify the road to who I was wanting to become. I have come to realize that I want to make a difference in everyone’s life. Whether it be a small or large difference! I want to be a positive influence in someone’s life, a source to provoke creative juices, a person that will listen and not judge, to spread knowledge, to commence growth.

I am a Catalyst.

And a chef at heart.

So Chef Catalyst seemed like a suitable name.

I want to share how I’ve grown into my old soul. The travels I’ve experienced, the conversations I’ve had, the food I’ve cooked and eaten, yoga poses that have put me at ease…

Above all, I want to share my



and love for life

Enjoy 🙂

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